The EPA is continuing to cause unnecessary uncertainty for manufacturers of all sizes due to regulations ranging from Boiler MACT, Utility MACT, and the new ozone standard. These costly and burdensome regulations will severely impede manufacturers’ ability to create jobs at a critical time in our economic recovery.

In an op-ed in yesterday’s Washington Post House Majority Leader Erin Cantor points to the cost of the new ozone standard:

 â€śThere is no other conclusion for policies such as the new Environmental Protection Agency regulations, including the “Transport Rule,” which could eliminate thousands of jobs, or the ozone regulation that would cost upward of $1 trillion and millions of jobs in the construction industry over the next decade.”

Manufacturers hope to see policies from Washington which will help them grow, compete and create jobs. Manufacturing has been a bright spot in the economic recovery and the new ozone standard will only dampen economic growth.