The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conducted a study of the events of the Fukushima disaster and generated a report  on the fallout and what could be done to prevent it. Additionally, they reviewed the safety features of nuclear energy facilities in the United States as a reliable source of power.

This report will be part of discussions moving forward on how to maintain the strong safety record of the nuclear industry in the U.S. As the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) continues to review the report, it is important to keep in mind that adding costly, unnecessary and reactionary regulations, simply for the sake of regulations is not the solution. This will only prevent job creation and growth within the industry.

The NAM has long been an advocate of nuclear power as one of the many sources of energy needed to meet the growing demands of our nation. We agree with President Obama that Nuclear energy is a “necessary investment” in the future of our nation. The NAM believes in an “all of the above” approach when it comes to our nation’s energy portfolio, and nuclear power has shown to be a safe, effective, clean and reliable source that generates roughly 20 percent of the energy our nation uses.

Coverage of the Report: