Sometime soon, the House is slated to vote on a bill (The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, H.R. 2587)that would prohibit the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from forcing a business to shut down, relocate or transfer employment.

The bill will pass the House, though its prospects in the Senate are a little more murky.  The Administration has nevertheless come out and flatly stated that it opposes the measure.  The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial page has more:

In opposing the bill, the White House says “The [National Labor Relations Act] does not restrict the location of company operations, provided companies comply with the law.” But companies don’t live in this land of hypotheticals. The NLRB lawsuit is an explicit attempt to block Boeing from opening its new South Carolina factory, and either the Administration believes the NLRB is appropriately enforcing the law, or it believes the NLRB has exceeded its mandate and needs to be reined in. Now we know it’s on the side of the NLRB, which is run by Mr. Obama’s appointees.

For more on the NLRB’s agenda, be sure to visit the NAM’s labor policy page.  And it’s not too late to urge your representatives in Congress to support jobs.