The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters has welcomed the results of Monday’s parliamentary elections, which will return Prime Minister Stephen Harper to office heading a majority Conservative government, as an opportunity for the country to pursue an aggressive growth and investment strategy.

In a news release,  Jayson Myers, CME’s President and CEO said:

Policies, not politics must be the focus of the 41st Parliament. The first order of business must be to develop a long-term strategy for sustaining the economic recovery and driving investment and job creation in Canada.

We need our federal politicians to get back to the business of manufacturing Canada’s economic future and it begins with the Harper government re-introducing the federal budget it tabled in April. That must be followed by a long-term vision for a Canada that builds on our natural strengths – our resources, the skills of Canadians, our innovation potential – to grow our world class, value-added manufacturing and exporting industries.

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters has developed an eight-point plan to accomplish those goals:

  1. Lower taxes on those businesses that are investing in new products, new technologies, and the skills of their employees??.
  2. Extend the two-year straight-line depreciation for investments in manufacturing and processing machinery and equipment.
  3. Encourage innovation and the commercialization of new products and technologies.
  4. Help businesses develop and take advantage of international opportunities.
  5. Enhance the competitiveness of North America’s integrated supply chains.
  6. Improve the quality and availability of skilled workers.
  7. Strengthen Canada’s energy and logistics infrastructure.
  8. Improve regulatory efficiency.

Excellent list! The full plan is available here.