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AMT 2009-2010 Economic Handbook Available

The 2009-2010 Economic Handbook of the Manufacturing Technology Industry is now available for download from The Association For Manufacturing Technology.

McLEAN, Va. -- The 2009-2010 Economic Handbook of the Manufacturing Technology Industry is now available from The Association For Manufacturing Technology (AMT).

The guide provides comprehensive domestic and international data on the manufacturing technology industry. The guide can be downloaded from AMT's website in both PDF and Excel formats.

The handbook contains both product and country specific manufacturing technology data, as well as information on capital equipment purchases by several major industries. It also contains data on employment, machine tool shipments, machine tools in use, and the financial condition of the industry. 

The PDF and Excel versions of the Economic Handbook are available to AMT members free of charge.  Non-members may download the PDF version for $295.00 or may purchase a CD containing the entire PDF document for $345.00 plus shipping and handling.