Full Steam Ahead: Boiler Room Essentials

This is a self-paced learning course designed to assist and educate individuals that are looking for a career in the Steam Boiler operations field. The course is geared for various levels of knowledge bases. Whether you are just starting out or you have been in the industry for many years this course is for you. In addition the individual will gain the knowledge and understanding of the High Pressure Steam boiler industry.

This is a self-paced learning course designed to assist and educate individuals that are looking for a career in the Steam Boiler operations field. The course is geared for various levels of knowledge bases. Whether you are just starting out or you have been in the industry for many years this course is for you. In addition the individual will gain the knowledge and understanding of the High Pressure Steam boiler industry.

Upon enrollment you will be given a login password unique to you with access to the course for one (1) full calendar year. This will afford you the time to go through the course and set your own pace for your learning experience.

Visit www.cleaver-brooks.com for more information.