Bangkok Thailand
Marcus Evans’ Cost-Centered Reliability Maintenance Conference’ is designed to help you to develop equipment strategies with minimal resources in a timely manner at a reasonable cost, by keeping you up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry and to provide a platform for you to exchange ideas, discuss strategic and technical challenges and share practical solutions. The main themes for this year’s conference are Strategy Planning, Cost Management, Spare Parts & Stocking Policy, Continuous Improvement & Tactics, Safety and maintenance & Risk Management, The human factor in the field productivity, Contractor Management, Plant Performance Measurement whereby the foremost authorities on maintenance will share their real life experiences dealing with the most critical issues facing them today. You will benefit by hearing from and networking with experts from different countries to ensure you return to your organization with practical insights on how to boost your equipment reliability with minimum downtime and costs. Two high-level information-packed forum days will offer you vital information, insightful case studies, networking opportunities and valuable question and answer sessions. These interactive sessions are extended to ensure that you will really get to the heart of issues pertinent to plant operations, maintenance and cost management. Get the most out of your conference experience and register today! For more information, delegates registration or event brochure, please contact Ms. Kelly Lee at +603 2723 6798 or [email protected]