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Design & Manufacturing Midwest 2009

At Design & Manufacturing Midwest 2009 you will meet more than 2,000 suppliers delivering the products and services you need to stay at the forefront...

Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont (Chicago), IL

At Design & Manufacturing Midwest 2009 you will meet more than 2,000 suppliers delivering the products and services you need to stay at the forefront in the competitive fast-paced world of manufacturing. Few investments in time deliver the return you'll receive by attending Design & Manufacturing Midwest. Your visitor badge includes access to six industry-related shows taking place under one roof. This three day event presents 400,000 sq. feet of products and services for design engineering, plant engineering and operations, industrial automation, enterprise IT, assembly and electronics assembly, quality, medical design and manufacturing, and sustainable manufacturing. Learn from the experts at the industry's leading technical conference. Attend the Design & Manufacturing Midwest conference for the latest technical training manufacturing professionals need to remain competitive it today’s global marketplace. Industry leaders will present practical tools designed for immediate application to your business.