2010 IAOP Outsourcing World Summit

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) in association with FORTUNE Custom Projects presents the 13th edition of its world-renowned...


Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Convention Center, Lake Buena Vista, FL

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) in association with FORTUNE Custom Projects presents the 13th edition of its world-renowned conference series. This event is designed for outsourcing executives from across the industry and around the world who are seeking the very latest insights and ideas. Educational sessions deliver specific actionable solutions to current challenges faced by experienced professionals. Case studies feature actual experiences and the lessons learned, feature new ideas, approaches and opportunities. The theme couldn’t be timelier: Using Outsourcing to Emerge as a Leader in the New Global Economy. With the current recession appearing to ease, the question now facing most businesses is how best to position themselves for the growth to come. For those of us in the outsourcing industry, the answer will naturally lead to new challenges and new opportunities. We’ll be expected to innovate new services and business models that can flexibly adapt to whatever the ‘‘new normal” turns out to be. Operations will continue to become more global, more connected and more fluid. Customer-side organizations will demand greater value at lower costs, while the top providers will seek to powerfully leverage what they’re good at today into tomorrow’s solutions. Outsourcing also will be called on to step up to its role as a leader of corporate social responsibility on a truly global scale.