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Let's Hear It

We rely on you, our readers in the industry, to offer your experiences and expertise in the form of timely, relevant comments and reactions. They will help shape the direction and depth of future editorial coverage on the site and ensure MBT remains a leading source for manufacturing and technology information.

“The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.”

 -- Joseph Joubert

It’s been a little more than a month since Manufacturing Business Technology launched its new and improved website. The effort to redesign and reconfigure the site resulted from a desire to offer content in a clearer, cleaner, and more modern-looking format. However, better aesthetics represent only some of what has changed with the latest incarnation of the MBT site.

In addition to the new design, we’ve added a comments section to offer you the opportunity to provide astute feedback, relevant context, and valuable insight related to any and all of our content on MBT. Ideally, we’d like the comments section to develop into an oft-used forum for intelligent and thoughtful discussion among readers. Technology changes quickly and constantly these days, as do the issues manufacturers face when it comes to evaluating, implementing, and leveraging that technology. Therefore, we rely on you, our readers in the industry, to offer your experiences and expertise in the form of timely, relevant comments and reactions. They will help shape the direction and depth of future editorial coverage on the site and ensure MBT remains a leading source for manufacturing and technology information.

While we are proud of what the new site offers, we are never satisfied and want to hear from you if there is something you believe we need to add, remove, or change. Feel free to contact me at [email protected], or Anna Wells, MBT’s Executive Editor, at [email protected].

As always, thanks for reading.

Mike Schmidt

Associate Editor

Manufacturing Business Technology