In a world where endless opportunities seem to present themselves daily, the sky is no longer the limit. We live in a nation where every single move we make stems from a choice. Should I buy the light blue tunic or the one-shade darker shirt?
We are surrounded by options, which can be seen as a hectic decision or an opportunity to think out of the box. For food and beverage manufacturers, it’s the latter of the two.
With a flurry of products on the market, food companies have a much greater competition today than in years past. While some may deem this as a struggle, I choose to see it as license of free will.
I am all for creativity. As a consumer, I can vouch that when I see something distinct on the shelf — a brand new idea that has yet to be reckoned with — I not only make sure to grab one or two for myself, but I turn in to a walking, talking marketer of it!
But, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a new product. Exclusive packaging is a great way for a company to showcase its personality. That’s why I have compiled a list of some of the most unique beer packaging that I have ever seen.
It seems new breweries open up all the time in the U.S. with the continuation of the craft beer boom, but very few has a mission as important or meaningful as this one.
With a tagline of “Enjoy your beer. That’s an order,” Dog Tag Brewing was created to provide quality beers that deliver a message of gratitude for the selfless sacrifice of our nation’s military.
Each can has a personalized message that tells the story of a man or woman who has been lost in the line of duty. The company works with families to create these detailed stories and then a portion of the proceeds are donated to organizations selected by each family to individually honor their fallen hero.
Now, that’s a beer I want to drink!
2. Do You Want Some Fries With that Chicken?
Kentucky Ryed Chiquen from Against the Grain Brewery is served with a Cluck! Cluck! This unique offering doesn’t taste like chicken, thankfully, but it does come with feathers stuck to every bottle.
The bottle reads: “Cluck Cluck. The Chiquen has come home to roost! You asked for anything but chicken…so here you go! An original rye amber ale recipe aged in rye whiskey barrels hatched right here in Kentucky!”
A bit much? Perhaps. But you can’t deny it got your attention — which in this niche market definitely can’t hurt.
3. Mixing Pleasure With…Pleasure?
Hoptimus Prime is an India Pale Ale brewed by Ruckus Brewing Company. While the name of the beer is better than the label itself, anyone who names a beer after a Transformer is sure to be on my list!
The company’s mission is to provide exceptional beers that reinvigorate feelings of nostalgia and historic significance. The brewer brings the excitement to life by showcasing it on the labels.
4. Fairy Tales
With a name like Grimm Brothers, the classic fairy tale labels were an obvious choice. No matter your age, there’s nothing like Snow White or the Little Red Riding Hood to bring you back to your childhood days. This brewery has three different lines: fairy tales, fables and legends. The Little Red Cap is my favorite!
What do you think? Does creative packaging catch your eye or is it just another item on the shelf? What are some of your favorite packaged food and beverage items that have gone above and beyond to showcase their personalities through design?