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Forks Are The Devil! Or At Least They Used To Be

Here’s a fun Friday fact: Forks weren’t always as ubiquitous as they are today, according to Gizmodo. In fact, in the Middle Ages, forks were seen as a sinful vanity of the devil, an unnecessary tool for bringing “God’s gift …

Here’s a fun Friday fact: Forks weren’t always as ubiquitous as they are today, according to Gizmodo. In fact, in the Middle Ages, forks were seen as a sinful vanity of the devil, an unnecessary tool for bringing “God’s gift of food” to the mouth. Forks weren’t in vogue until the 17th century, when the French nobility needed a proper tool with which to eat their new favorite food: peas. The utensil then went through centuries of refinement until it became the dining staple that it is today.

Photo by Flickr user 11950mike


