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Fake Fat Makes You Fatter

According to Slate, the fake fat used by several food companies to make food products “lighter” may actually do more harm than good. Olestra, a fat substitute used in many light chip brands, could actually make you gain more weight …

According to Slate, the fake fat used by several food companies to make food products “lighter” may actually do more harm than good. Olestra, a fat substitute used in many light chip brands, could actually make you gain more weight than if you ate a regular, full-fat product.

Scientists concluded this after feeding rats Pringles Light along with a high-fat diet, and found that these rats gained more weight that rats fed the same diet with regular Pringles. However, rats on a low-fat diet didn’t gain weight from eating either chip, until they switched over to the high-fat diet. Rats who consistently ate Pringles Light then ate more food–and gained more weight–than their regular chip-eating counterparts.

Photo by Flickr user norwichnuts


