How does creativity relate to imagination and passion?
Recently, I attended Autodesk University in Las Vegas, NV. I was apprehensive at first, because I wasn’t familiar with it or the sessions it had to offer, and going to Vegas on my own wasn’t a very appealing thought for me. Too many CSI shows, apparently. But after looking at the itinerary, I became excited to learn more about CAD software, and to listen to some of the guest speakers they had attending the conference.
My favorite forum during my visit was titled “Making Design Personal Again,” and it explored the nature of creativity and the creative process, answering questions such as: How do we teach creativity? How do certain companies equip their design professionals and encourage creative collaboration with each other and their customer? How can you apply lessons from creative Hollywood storytellers as you narrate your own design story?
My favorite speaker from this particular forum was Sir Ken Robinson, creative expert, educator, author, and British knight. Robinson discussed the effect that technology has not only on our creativity and passions, but in our culture and communities as well. His main concerns touched on the rapid pace of technology and how it is turning the world into an unpredictable place.
Although some technological innovations have helped advance the human race, they have also hindered us in some ways. Increased life spans have created overpopulation, which has decreased food and water supplies, increased waste products, and increased the dependence on natural resources.
Other technological advancements have helped shape and improve weapons that could possibly lead to mass destruction, while others have helped enhance social communication, transportation, and habitation.
While we have no idea where technology will bring us tomorrow, Robinson emphasized how we need to empower our creativity to find solutions for the man-made challenges existing today, which in turn can help us anticipate the future. “Our very civilization is a race between education and catastrophe, and we must personalize education to bring value to ideas, which in turn will help us discover resolutions,” Robinson says.
In other words, in order for us to continue to thrive, we need to learn that creativity is best produced when we have a passion and make it personal to a point we want to do something. With creative passion comes innovation.
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