What's Trending: A Factory From The Future; Tech Trends For 2014

Here's a deeper look into the top trending stories in manufacturing today based on reader feedback: Ten technology trends for 2014; a deal to keep an Ohio tank factory open; and a factory from the future.

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Here's a deeper look into the top trending stories in manufacturing today based on reader feedback: Ten technology trends for 2014; a deal to keep an Ohio tank factory open; and a factory from the future. Below these stories, check out links to other related news and features at Manufacturing Business Technology.

Ten Business Technology Trends You'll Read About in 2014

Which business technologies will lead the way in 2014? Research firms, journalists, and bloggers are gearing up to share their thoughts on this question and offer their predictions over the few weeks. Immersed in today’s dynamic business technology environment and excited about what’s to come, we at LNS Research offer our early list of main focus areas you can expect experts to be discussing over the next few months.

1. Mobile

At this point in late 2013, reports suggest that mobile devices are outpacing PCs as the primary source for computing. Traditional business functions (and innovative new ones) are increasingly expected to be accompanied by a solution in the app store. In 2014, managing by walking around will continue to occur, only even more-so with a tablet or smartphone in hand.

Continue reading to see the 10 trends...

Be sure to also check out MBT Manufacturing Newswire this Thursday for an exclusive interview with Matthew Littlefield, president of LNS Research for his Top 3 technologies that will affect manufacturing in 2014. 

Deal Will Keep Ohio Tank Plant Running

LIMA, Ohio (AP) -- U.S. Senate and House negotiators are planning to provide as much as $90 million to keep the production line running at an Ohio tank manufacturing plant.

The money for the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center is included in the defense bill, which could get congressional approval as early as this week. It means Abrams tanks will continue to roll off the line at the nation's only tank manufacturing plant, in Lima (LY'-mah), about 80 miles south of Toledo. Continue reading...

Commenter Splatticus had this to say on the issue:

"I live in Ohio, and even so, it's obvious the tanks are not worth building anymore. Actually, I kind of think no tanks should ever be built, but of course that's not realistic, you know, with us men having our little wars and all. At any rate, no one needs these particular products, and even our own Army doesn't want them. What could be more totally pork barrel, right? We can make great stuff in Ohio that people actually want. We'd be happy to take Federal handouts to employ former tank builders for making cars or refrigerators or the next generation of energy generation technology or whatever. Man, what a weird thing government can sometimes be." 

A Factory From The Future

Reporter Ray Martin takes you on a tour of the Redeye 3D printing factory in Minneapolis — where the world's first 3D printed car was born. 

As a follow-up to this video about a manufacturing facility consisting entirely of 3D printers, reporter Ray Martin discusses the pros and cons of 3D printing. Check out that video here: The Pros And Cons Of 3D Printing

If you'd like to weigh-in about What's Trending In Manufacturing, leave a comment below or Email me at [email protected].
