M&Ms Just Got A Little Bit Greener

Last Tuesday, Mars Chocolate unveiled a 28,000-panel solar garden, which provides 20 percent of peak energy consumption at its New Jersey manufacturing plant. Are you surprised New Jersey is second in solar capacity only to California? I was. Have any comments or questions about our Thursday video editions of IMPO Insider? Or do you have a video you'd like to see featured in one of our deployments? Email me at Joel.

Last Tuesday, Mars Chocolate unveiled a 28,000-panel solar garden, which provides 20 percent of peak energy consumption at its New Jersey manufacturing plant.

Are you surprised New Jersey is second in solar capacity only to California? I was.

Have any comments or questions about our Thursday video editions of IMPO Insider? Or do you have a video you'd like to see featured in one of our deployments? Email me at [email protected].
