An Equipment Approach To Dust Elimination

High quality dust collection air tools and accessories are important in today’s workplace. Eliminating dust at the source is not only beneficial for the worker’s health, but it also achieves a clean work environment and extends the life of the tool itself, resulting in reduced costs.

How vacuum tools can address worker health issues and improve tool life.

Eliminating dust at the source is not only beneficial for the worker’s health, but it also achieves a clean work environment and extends the life of the tool itself, resulting in reduced costs.

High quality dust collection air tools and accessories are important in today’s workplace. Eliminating dust at the source is not only beneficial for the worker’s health, but it also achieves a clean work environment and extends the life of the tool itself, resulting in reduced costs.

By utilizing dust-controlling systems, contaminants are directed away from the tool. Keeping valves, bearings and other tool parts clean can extend the life of your tools.

In addition, keeping your air tool clean and running properly will save money in reduced downtime and the expense of purchasing additional tool and parts.

Airborne sanding particles can cause severe inflammation of the eyes and lung tissues, depending on the degree of exposure and the type of airborne contaminant involved.

Additionally, breathing in certain types of dust can cause health problems. Paint, fiberglass, inks, plastics, metal and various composites can cause severe damage to the mouth, nose and lungs. It’s important to have a clean air source to eliminate potential heath problems in the future.

Vacuum disc sanders and die grinders power a variety of abrasive discs. Available in different diameters, the tools are ideal for efficient material removal on non-ferrous surfaces such as carbon fiber, fiberglass, painted surfaces, and more.

As the tool is working, the vacuum shroud diverts dust, debris, and contaminants to the vacuum source, ensuring a cleaner, safer workplace. Not only does this help the operator, it also keeps the surrounding environment clean as well. Removing contaminants is critical to a dust free workplace.

There are a variety of ways to eliminate air borne particles in the workplace. Besides vacuum tools, portable vacuum systems, downdraft tables, and wet deburring stations can be valuable.

Portable vacuum systems: These systems, which are similar to a vacuum cleaner, mean the user can simply hook up the tool to the vacuum system and be ready for operation. These vacuum systems are ideal because they are portable and can be easily moved around the workplace. The system can also be set up to run two tools simultaneously.

Downdraft tables: Downdraft tables are sanding tables that eliminate dust and contaminants while sanding. Designed for use with vacuum or non-vacuum tools, these tables direct contaminants into a filtering system inside the table. The table can even clean the surrounding air by just keeping the machine on.

Wet deburring stations: These machines entrap particles in an air/water mixing zone. The Dynabrade wet deburring station offers a wet filtration system to capture potentially combustible filings and dust in an air/water mixing zone. By entrapping these particles in water, the potential flammability of the workplace is reduced. The station features a grated work surface where the duburring takes place. The waste particles fall into the grate and into the water mixture, reducing dust in the workplace.

In today's workplace environment, a variety of vacuum tools and vacuum accessories are available to reduce or eliminate airborne contaminants. Ergonomic features are important considerations, and it is recommended buyers test each item before purchase.

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OSHA Health Facts: Hexavalent Chromium

According to OSHA, workers can be exposed to hexavalent chromium
as a dust, fume, or mist while:

  • Producing chromate pigments and powders, chromium acids, chromium catalysts, dyes, and coatings.
  • Working near chromium electroplating.
  • Welding and hotworking stainless steel, high chrome alloys, and
  • chrome-coated metal.
  • Applying and removing chromate-containing paints and other surface coatings. Skin exposure can occur during direct handling of hexavalent
  • chromium-containing solutions, coatings, and cements.

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