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Keep Your Conveyors FIT

Dorner's two-tier conveying system. For a limited time Dorner is offering a factory inspection training (FIT) service to assist with new and existing conveyor projects. New conveyors projects can be overseen as part of the GetFIT™ service, which provides advice on installation, safety, optimum product handling, training, spare parts and warranties.

Dorner's two-tier conveying system.

For a limited time Dorner is offering a factory inspection training (FIT) service to assist with new and existing conveyor projects. New conveyors projects can be overseen as part of the GetFIT™ service, which provides advice on installation, safety, optimum product handling, training, spare parts and warranties. The StayFIT™ program for existing conveyors and upgrades will review wear parts and safety, evaluate product handling and spare part inventory, and suggest upgrade possibilities.

Additional services include:

  • Stock replacement parts and belts
  • Customer maintenance training
  • Re-purposing existing conveyors

Dorner will provide a free FIT visit to any customer that purchases 5 conveyors or makes a purchase of more than $25,000. More information can be found at