'Back To The Future' On Trash-To-Fuel

Remember that scene from Back to the Future , where Doc throws a bunch of trash into the Delorean for fuel? More and more entrepreneurs are stepping up with companies willing to do just that. Actually, the technology has been around for a while, but the market has only very recently become viable. If you're having trouble watching this video, try downloading the latest version of Flash Player or contacting your IT department.

Remember that scene from Back to the Future, where Doc throws a bunch of trash into the Delorean for fuel? More and more entrepreneurs are stepping up with companies willing to do just that. Actually, the technology has been around for a while, but the market has only very recently become viable.

If you're having trouble watching this video, try downloading the latest version of Flash Player or contacting your IT department.

Have any comments or questions about our Thursday video editions of IMPO Insider? Or do you have a video you'd like to see featured in one of our deployments? Email me at [email protected].
