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How To Benefit From Mobile, From The Floor To The Field

Yes, there’s a place for mobile in manufacturing. Seven, actually. Today’s mobile solutions can help your business run more profitably and predictably, by putting the right tools and information right where they’re needed. Load tablets with videos, manuals and instructions to deliver the training and education employees need, where they need it most — on the floor.

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Yes, there’s a place for mobile in manufacturing. Seven, actually. Today’s mobile solutions can help your business run more profitably and predictably, by putting the right tools and information right where they’re needed.

1. Make field workers more productive

All that information you’ve got spilling out of product sheets and installation guides? It’s just what your people in the field need to sell, deliver, install and service your products. So set them up with tablets to quickly access the latest reference materials,view routing instructions, or report back to the factory from the road. You’ll see it pay off in faster time-to-order and shorter service calls.

2. Give people access to on-demand knowledge

Employees in manufacturing today are typically working on complex machines and systems. This means handling multiple responsibilities, and dealing with more compliance and safety requirements than ever. Load tablets with videos, manuals and instructions to deliver the training and education they need, where they need it most — on the floor.

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