Our 'Elements In Action'

The Metals Service Center Institute (MSCI) celebrates its centennial this year with this video dedicated to the importance four conspicuous metals have in our daily lives: iron, carbon, nickel, and aluminum. Although manufacturers deal with these materials on a daily basis, it’s easy to forget how our lives outside of work would be significantly different without them.

The Metals Service Center Institute (MSCI) celebrates its centennial this year with this video dedicated to the importance four conspicuous metals have in our daily lives: iron, carbon, nickel, and aluminum. Although manufacturers deal with these materials on a daily basis, it’s easy to forget how our lives outside of work would be significantly different without them.

The video asks a simple question: what is the single most important item in your life? Odds are, it’s made with one of those four metals.

If you're having trouble watching this video, try downloading the latest version of Flash Player or contacting your IT department.

Have any comments or questions about our Thursday video editions of IMPO Insider? Or do you have a video you'd like to see featured in one of our deployments? Email me at [email protected].
