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Leveraging Sales Force Automation in Manufacturing

Sales force automation streamlines the sales process. From product information and customer management to order taking and inventory control, first-rate sales force automation solutions are designed to handle nearly every aspect of the sales cycle.

Sales force automation streamlines the sales process, equipping manufacturers with the tools they need to create more effective and more efficient sales programs. From product information and customer management to order taking and inventory control, first-rate sales force automation solutions are designed to handle nearly every aspect of the sales cycle.

But to fully leverage the benefits of sales force automation, manufacturers need to understand how to properly apply these tools across their customer bases. Since different types of customers require different sales approaches, sales force automation solutions vary according to the size and nature of the account.

The Sales Force Automation Pyramid

Most manufacturers have a multi-tiered sales program. While some customers require face-to-face engagement with sales staff, others are capable of managing their own ordering requirements via online or mobile ordering platforms.

In general, manufacturing sales fall across a sales force automation pyramid, with each level representing different types of customers and sales strategies.

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