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In Case You Need a Laugh...

The climate change debate isn't a funny topic. Unless the satirical newspaper The Onion covers it.

The climate change debate isn't a funny topic. Unless the satirical newspaper The Onion covers it. 

Not too long ago, The Onion managed to poke fun at both Big Oil's relationship with the controversial topic and the perceived weak regulatory response to it. The headline reads: "ExxonMobil CEO Relieved It Is Finally Too Late To Do Anything About Climate Change."

My favorite "quote" from The Onion's article was: “I was really worried for a while there that some kind of law would be passed to stop us from releasing all those hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, but I guess not,” said ExxonMobil's CEO, Rex Tillerson, describing how he felt as if a tremendous weight had been lifted from his shoulders now that catastrophic climate change was an inescapable certainty. 

Read the full, hilarious report here.