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Ransomware, Log4J and When β€” not if β€” You're Hacked

How 83% of infrastructure OT networks suffered a breach, even though 73% of managers knew it couldn't happen.

Whether it's the infamous Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack last summer, or an ongoing number of water treatment facility hacks, there’s no doubt that infrastructure facilities have become a favorite target of cyber criminals.

In fact, according to a recent report from Skybox Security, the first half of 2021 saw a 46% year-over-year increase in new OT vulnerabilities within organizations charged with running and maintaining key portions of the U.S.'s infrastructure.   

In this episode of Security Breach, Alastair Williams, vice president of worldwide systems engineering at Skybox Security,  joins us to help break down some of the social and market factors driving these troubling cybersecurity dynamics. We also discuss ransomware attacks, Log4J challenges, and what he sees as the biggest cybersecurity trends to consider for 2022.

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