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Document Management Software In Manufacturing

Document management technologies give workers the productivity to re-enthrone their trade as one demanding the nuances of human intelligence, planning, and problem solving.

Windows document management software can serve as proof that manufacturing technology has embraced humankind, not exceeded it. With fear of job-stealing automation crippling manufacturing industry workers, technology elicits a knee-jerk fear of unemployment and obsolescence. But document management technologies give these workers the productivity to re-enthrone their trade as one demanding the nuances of human intelligence, planning, and problem solving.

Why You Should Use Windows Document Management Software for Your Manufacturing Business

Have you let paper files take control of your manufacturing company? Have you ever had that painstakingly frustrating moment where you can’t locate an important document, but you know you have it? After spending hours searching for it, you walk away discouraged, only to find the missing paper two days later, hiding in the wrong folder.

It’s understandable that you might have some reservations about transitioning your file cabinet to a paperless software but remaining a strong competitor in the manufacturing industry demands newfound levels willingness to adopt cutting (and even bleeding edge) technologies.

It’s Time to Re-Take Control of Your Manufacturing Business with Windows Document Management Software

You likely have a system that’s worked for many years, but now it’s getting over-stuffed and chaotic. Going digital can cause reservations, especially when you start thinking about how much technology is advancing, and where it’s heading in the future. But organization is one of the staples of great efficiency, and Windows document management software can provide it. You can rest assured that going paperless won’t take over your business — it will help it.

Going online helps with a lot of aspects to improving your company and giving you the control again, and that’s what we’re going to talk about. Many manufacturers believe going fully digital is important, but many of them are yet to understand the differences between paperless and digital, the prior of these terms inciting use of a robust information management tool like Windows document management software.

It’s time for you to catch on to the reason client revenue is climbing, and businesses are running more smoothly. Although a lot of workers in the industry believe paperless equals digital, that’s not the case.

Document Management Software is a Much More Economical Way to Run the Office

A lot of times, companies refrain from using Windows document management software (the system that operates your paperless technologies) because they assume it will cost them more money than it’s worth.

If you think about the amount of funds your office spends on paper and copy supplies every month, using a paperless online plan actually saves the environment and money. This is extremely important as lean manufacturing has influenced industry trends in 2017. And with all the benefits that come with the software it makes it even better and more cost efficient.

A Paperless System Will Improve Your Business Relations

Manufacturing is a competitive business, and to be successful, you must remain on top of the game. Having a fast, easy, and accessible paperless solution will allow you to retain your old and new clients.


When you have all the documents required to keep track of the products made, contracts, sale receipts and clientele information, for example, you can spend more time focusing on keeping your customers happy and satisfied. By more efficiently creating and keeping track of your products and to whom they are sold, your clients will be more likely to continue using the merchandise.

Windows Document Management Software is a Faster Solution  

Stop wasting time by trying to find your lost documents. Often times, things will be misfiled deep within the chaos of your file cabinet. You can save so much time by digitizing your files. When it’s on a Windows document management software, you can easily find the information you were looking for, and then send it where you need it to go.

There are also tools to help you search, if you don’t remember where your files are on the computer, mobile device, or tablet. Just type the name of the document you need into the software’s search bar, and full-text search will retrieve the files. Find that buried file and spend 10 seconds searching, rather than wasting valuable client relations by looking for hours.

When Using Document Management Software, You Get More Done

Organization is the key to being productive. You might disagree, but when you aren’t worrying about clutter, you focus on more important matters.

It’s hard to feel at peace with your document storage solutions when they’re bursting with outdated information. You might get stressed just looking at it. This is where a digital system can ease up your work life. When you know where everything is, you aren’t left searching the abyss to find it.

For example, you could make a “watched” folder for all your documents containing the following information, and therefore automate document tasks as boring as they are time consuming:

  1. Entering employee information
  2. File Inventorying
  3. Contract management and routing
  4. Clientele information

And everything else required to make your business run smoothly. Inside each file section, you can add dates or names to further organize and keep track of all your files.

Throw away any outdated information, too. No point holding onto useless documents. So now, rather than having multiple cabinets, all this information is in one small, easily accessible place. When you learn how to organize your files and documents in a way that makes sense for your brain, you can really start to focus on your products, and how to make them even better.

Security Should Be Simple

Safety should always be among number one concern of any business, and a document management system has very secure servers in which you can store your information.

With encryption technology, all files are protected from even the worst viruses and hackers. Of course, there are always risks, but you can feel confident that if you use a proper Windows document management software, your files aren’t going anywhere you don’t want them. Your products and services are important, and they deserve to have the best document protection.

Sharing and On-The-Go-Features

Sending your files and documents to those who need them has never been easier. With one quick click, you can send and share to anyone, and you don’t have to worry about stealing and pirating while it moves through cyberspace. Your sensitive information is protected.

Not only is it easy to share, but it can go anywhere with you. Many document management systems have mobile apps for you to check on your information from wherever you want. As long as you have internet, you can check, add, and edit literally anywhere. Both are great features to help you improve your company’s speed and professionalism.

Jesse Wood is the CEO of eFileCabinet.

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